Contact Us

General Support

We want to clarify that does not provide customer support or assistance for any applications listed on this platform. None of the apps or games here are directly managed or operated by us. If you need help with an app, please use the support contact information provided within each app.

For Business Inquiries

If you are interested in featuring or sponsoring your app/game on, please contact us for collaboration. We welcome business opportunities that align with our platform’s audience. Contact us through the methods below:

Contact Method

You can connect with us directly via Email or Telegram. We will gladly discuss promotional options, partnership packages, and other collaboration opportunities to help your app gain more visibility.

Important Notice to Users

Before downloading or using any application from this website, please be aware of the potential financial risks associated with certain apps. Some games may encourage in-app purchases or real-money transactions that could lead to financial loss. We advise users to exercise caution, especially when engaging in monetary stakes games. Please note that any financial risks or losses incurred are the user’s sole responsibility. This platform is strictly for individuals 18 years and older.

Stay safe, play responsibly, and always read the terms and conditions provided by each application.